Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Old & New

Yesterday I felt a bit as if a new year had started. No, it didn't start to snow suddenly - temperatures are still reaching 30 degrees. First and foremost: daily business in our host-family has been enriched with a lot of new life on one day: four puppies and ten little chicken. Despite of the weather spring is still in the air.
the pictures of the dogs will follow

Secondly, there were the local and regional elections on sunday the first of june. As a volunteer for the local youth center, I'm trying to stay as clear from politics as possible. But as you could have read before, especially in a village that's sometimes a very hard thing to do. Sunday night was almost like New Years Eve: a lot of expectations, emotions, a countdown and a climax when the results were announced. Then the infamous day after: a slight hang-over, promises to be kept and what will happen with all the good intentions remains to be seen.

election posters the day after